Who are these strange fellows?

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Manbench Industries; Purveyors of general mayhem since 1994, a blog to follow the crazed, possibly deranged projects and emotive musings, of an undergraduate engineer, and an apprentice organ builder who have always felt they were born in the wrong age. Follow us as we, re-write history, learn lost skills, discover strange new worlds, break things, rant at things, mend things, make new things and generally find ways of passing the day instead of doing "proper work" !

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Steam Powered Christmas Tree

Thought this would make a good post for Christmas day! A few years ago, a few days before Christmas, I had the brilliant idea of producing a steam powered Christmas tree. The idea stemmed back from an article in Model Engineer I had read many years back now. I already had in my possession a Stuart #500 boiler with a Basset Lowke 'Eclipse' engine mounted together on a base, so with some scrap wood, a Meccano motor, some LEDs and one of those miniature trees probably brought from a car-boot sale at some stage over the years, this was knocked up. It looks very crude, mainly because it is, but it was a project just because I could!

Merry Christmas from us both here at Manbench Industries!

The Engineer.

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